The Connecticut Forum: The Culture WarGot invited to see the latest Connecticut Forum that was held last Friday. This one was on the Culture War. Guests were New York Times Columnist Frank Rich, Lobbyist and former head of the Christian Coalition Ralph Reed, New York Times Columnist David Brooks, and Newsweek Columnist Margaret Carlson.
Getting to the theater it was clear this was gonna be an interesting evening. Protesters were already out in force. A group was staging a mock Bush press conference on the Bushnell steps while hading out fliers for a counter debate staged a block away at a church.
Frank Rich and David Brooks came off the best. I don't particularly like Brooks much but you could tell he was interested in an actual dialogue of ideas. Margaret Carlson was simply out of her depth really. She was talking like it was Crossfire, throwing out one liners, and being rather unimpressive. Ralph Reed on the other hand, was just a world class asshole. A very polished asshole mind you. He sat there and smiled and churned out preprogrammed responses to any and all questions lobbed at him. Answers crafted to make him appear reasonable and rational, yet at their heart, still tow the extremist line. For instance, when the idea of creationism in schools came up, Ralphie, sticking to his well honed and poll tested talking points, spun it so it was a matter of “free speech”. He was emphasizing how its unfair that we only get to hear one theory, he just wants to hear all the information. And I gotta tell you, if you know nothing of the facts of the debate he comes off as reasonable. But since I do know the facts of the debate, I know he’s a lying sack of shit. Creationism isn’t a scientific theory. Its pure religion and has no place in a Science class. I have a theory that we are all descended from Jedi masters from a long time ago, so why Doesn’t Ralph Reed insist my ”theory” be inserted into every textbook nationwide? Oh that’s right, it’s because I pulled it straight out my ass. Frank Rich did call him out on that, but somewhat belatedly. And I did get a sense of self satisfaction knowing that the man is incapable of standing straight up and simply declaring with no ambiguity, what he believes. Everything has to be spun and finessed to sound better. It’s all deception with him. The man clearly believes that Creationism is gods will and should be taught in schools. But he can’t say it. It’s a tacit admission that he is on the losing side of the “Culture War”.
They actually answered my own question right out of the gate. Namely, is there a culture war? I don’t think so, and neither do most of the panelists. It’s all a construct of the extremes of both sides.
Gay marriage was another big topic, since our State just signed into law a civil unions bill. At this point Brooks and Rich got into a great back and forth, with Brooks admitting that he is pro gay marriage. Rich said it best that it’s really a non issue. In ten years or so we will all wonder why anyone ever thought it was a big deal, pointing out that in the great state of VT, civil unions was the explosive issue that reverberated all over the country, and was going to ruin the fabric of the family, and release the apocalypse. If you go up there now, it’s a non issue. It’s just an accepted fact and no one really cares that much about it anymore. Reed just fell back into his spin and talked endlessly about “States rights” and how state referendums are overwhelmingly against gay marriage. Another spin favorite from the right. If your position on an issue is unpopular and/or immoral, be it segregation, the Confederate flag, gay marriage, make the issue about “states rights” so you can avoid overtly supporting the unpopular issue (which we all know you do). You see, “I’m not for segregation people; I’m for the states deciding what they want to do!” Watching Reed pull this made me laugh out loud since 20 minutes earlier he was arguing passionately for the federal Government interfering in state matters in the Schiavo case.
They also talked extensively about the book “What’s the Matter with Kansas”. With Reed taking exception to the theory that Bush won because he essentially conned people into voting for him. Um, yeah.It went on like that all night.
It was really entertaining and definitely got my blood boiling. If anyone lives in the CT area, you are doing yourself a disservice by not buying season tickets to the CT Forum.