Hardball had its semi monthly woe is me persecuted Christians show the other night. It’s the same as usual. If a Christian isn’t allowed to shove his religion in the face of every person in the country, then he’s being discriminated against and persecuted.
Matthews: Were you—were you surprised, then, to hear that the diagnosis, that the autopsy showed that her brain had shriveled to half its size and that she was truly—I hate to use the term—in that vegetative state?
Man: That‘s up to God to determine whether we‘re in a vegetative state or not. I can‘t determine that.
Where to begin? I mean, I expect the religious fanatic to give a bullshit answer, but that one wasn’t even thought through. Its up to god to determine medical diagnosis? That’s logical. Somebody tell Dr. Frist. Although, when your proven wrong in such a brutally public and embarrassing way, you have to try something to save face.
But Chris Matthews, a former Democrat, should be ashamed. “I hate to use the term”. Really? You hate to use the now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt medical term for her condition? Why is that?
Or this beauty:
MATTHEWS: Should we—should we punish them?
LAND: We should punish the doctors.
MATTHEWS: Why shouldn‘t we punish the person who gets the abortion?
LAND: I—if—if I see a pregnant woman with a problem pregnancy, and I see two victims, two victims.
LAND: I would punish the doctors. I would punish the people who perform the abortions.
This is what makes pro-lifers such raging hypocrites. Its the woman who gets the abortion who is the one who is deciding to “murder” their baby. They and they alone are responsible for that choice. The doctor is merely the instrument. If these people were honest, they would declare that the woman should be prosecuted for murder. But they know people would be horrified by that, so they don’t. Same with In votro fertilization and stem cells. Pro-lifers are hypocrites.
And the rest of the show we hear the same old lies over and over. That our founders were “Christian” and we are based on “Christian principles”, that we “removed” prayer from schools, No one actually points out that that is complete horseshit, and Matthews just sits there and nods.