Evidence of the most inept Administration in our nations history example 1,456. Leave aside whether you are conservative moderate or a LIEberal. The real reason Bush is at 29% in a new WSJ poll is because his administration is simply inept at governing at every level. Even the hard-core nutcases are abandoning him at this point. We’re talking the “Clinton murdered Vince Foster” and “AID’s kills fags” bunch. Bush’s core constituency.
Take for example
the CIA. Another area Bush has ruined with his mox of ineptiude, naked politics, cronyism, and utter corruption.
Porter Goss resigns abruptly. We then find out that his # 3 man, who also jsut resigned, is being criminally investigated. Soak that in. The third most powerful man in the Central Intelligence Adminstration is being criminally investigated. Now normally this would be, you know, kind of imprtant news. But at this point having an adminstration official indicted or investigated is so commonplace, it doesn't even register anymore. Bush could be caught raping puppies on the white house lawn with a SS uniform on and it would be on page B3, the style section of the Wapo, Arlen Specter would say he was "concerned” and consider opening an investigation, but then decide against it, FOX would talk about how teh puppies were probably Al Queda and then another white girl would go missing and we would all end up concentrating on that.
Worst. Adminstration. Ever.
[/end rant]