Friday, July 26, 2002
Well another politician is switching parties. Lets see what was said the last time someone switched parties:

Washington Times: "A stark act of astonishing betrayal"
Trent Lott: "The only person to blame here is Jim Jeffords," he said. "The voters of Vermont voted for a Republican, and the person who changed that was Jim Jeffords."
Las Vegas Review Journal:"Politicians who want to leave a party ought to resign and run for re-election under their preferred party label."

Those are the ones I've found so far but I'm sure there’s more. Feel free to add your own. Will Trent Lott release a blistering letter to the press calling Good a traitor? Will the Moonie Times attack him as well? I am not holding my breath.

For the record. I have no problem with him switching parties, nor did I have a problem with Jeffords switching parties, nor when Ben Campbell did it, etc. If a politician feels he is more at home with another party philosophically than he should change parties. Jeffords was a liberal Republican and Goode was a conservative Independent. Although from what I heard Good, who has been voting with Republicans for years, was about to be drawn out of his district by the Republicans through redistricting, so there may have been a certain "incentive" from the GOP in an election year when they face losing power to the Dems. If that is what happened, than the hypocrisy meter gets notched up by about 120%

Thursday, July 25, 2002
Well they finally expelled Trafficant. And the complete ironic beauty of it is that the vote was 420 to 1. The only vote against expelling the convicted felon? Gary Condit.

You can't make this stuff up.

Part of me is going to miss him. The part that slows down to watch traffic accidents. The guy was a complete nutcase, but an entertaining one. The hair, the rants, the corruption. Lets take a look back at the pearls of wisdom Representative James Trafficant has left us….

"I want you to disregard all the opposing counsel has said. I think they're delusionary. I think they've had something funny for lunch in their meal, I think they should be handcuffed, chained to a fence and flogged, and all of their hearsay evidence should be thrown the hell out. And if they lie again, I'm going to go over there and kick them in the crotch. Thank you very much."

"If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room!"

"I wanted to have Playboy bunnies come on at night to meet with me. I wanted to be promiscuous with them."

Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Chris Matthews has malaria. Ouch.

He's had diarrhea of the mouth for years, its finally spread to places other than his mouth. Looks like he won't be making "hardballs" for a while....

OK, I'll stop, it 's just how often can you make poop jokes about Chris Matthews? (feel free to add your own)

Well, its happened.

Once I heard the ghoulish news regarding the fight over the Ted Williams remains, I knew it was only a matter of time before some columnist came up with a cute little way to make a crack about it. My name is William O'Rourke, and I am oh so clever!


Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Who says the New York Times is stuffy?

Looks like the end of the line for ole Bob "rule of law" Barr. The man who never met a camera he didn’t like. The joke was the most dangerous place in Washington to be was in between Bob Barr and a camera.
The guy has really become a joke. This coupled with the fact that he is suing Clinton for "defamation of character" as well as "emotional distress" just puts the nail in the coffin of his sorry career. Maybe he can make a few bucks by speaking to some more racist groups.
If you're interested in a chuckle go to his website and look at the legislation he has sponsored. In between the usual “Resolution to honor America’s beekeepers” type nonsense, and the usual pro gun, anti abortion stuff are some real gems.

Here is some from his first term in 94. He was still finding his ground here:
H.J.RES.190 : Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to provide that no person born in the United States will be a United States citizen on account of birth in the United States unless both parents are either United States citizens or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time of the birth.

Here is from his second term where he found his voice as a Clinton hater.
H.RES.304 : Directing the Committee on the Judiciary to undertake an inquiry into whether grounds exist to impeach William Jefferson Clinton, the President of the United States.
This beauty was in 1997 before anyone knew about Monica. It died a quick death. Suffice it to say they go on like this (with the exception of a few ones regarding individual liberties I agree with).

Goodbye you racist, opportunistic, hypocritical sleaze. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Monday, July 22, 2002
Great piece by David Halberstam on Teddy Ballgame.

It's that time of year again…

When the going gets tough, placate your base. Bush threw his conservative abse some fresh meat this week in order to try ad keep them in line.
First, he nominated conservative judicial activist, and staunch anti-abortionist Priscilla Owen to the Fifth Circuit Bench. And then he announced he was withholding 34 million in funds for U.N. family planning programs. Apparently urging women in overpopuated third world coutries practice Birth control is against God's plan.
This kind of stuff is boilerplate politics. Clinton did the same thing to placate his liberal base. It's just when Bush does this and continues to harp on the "I'm not Clinton, I'm honest, I don't govern by poll's" crap, it gets my goat.

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