Tuesday, March 25, 2003
It's refreshing that the administration doesn't even bother to hide their blatant corruption anymore.

Whats a bunch of deaed arines when theres money on the line.

Sunday, March 23, 2003
Geneva convention matters but only for our troops? (and no, im not defending terrorists, just pointing out yet more hypocrisy in this war)

Rumsfeld was appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation" when the network received video from the Arabic TV station Al-Jazeera, appearing to show captured Americans being interviewed.
He declared, "That's a violation of the Geneva convention" -- saying the convention prohibits countries from photographing and humiliating soldiers they capture.

Al Queda prisoners at gitmo:
A Pentagon spokesman said the decision was made because the Red Cross raised an objection, contending the images would violate international laws on the treatment of prisoners.
"The Geneva Convention prohibits humiliating, debasing photos," said Rear Adm. Craig Quigley. "We need to be cautious in case there is a legal action somewhere downstream."
But officials at the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva said the organization had not contacted the Pentagon about photographs taken in Afghanistan.

Photographers and camera crews from several news organizations were allowed to take pictures as the prisoners boarded the cargo plane, but the journalists had to agree not to transmit the images until military officials gave them permission.

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