Saturday, July 24, 2004
I suggest that we start a bit of an experiment. Line up all the manufactured outrage and invented asccusations "stufed in his socks!" regarding Sandy Berger, and contrast it with the same peoples reaction to this, which, shockingly, is not even being covered that much by the news media.

WASHINGTON — Sen. Richard Shelby (search) is the target of an ongoing Justice Department investigation into the leaking of the contents of classified phone intercepts received the day before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, congressional sources told FOX News. Justice Department officials briefed members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (search) in closed session Thursday on Capitol Hill, naming the Alabama Republican as the target of the leak probe.Law enforcement and congressional sources said the purpose of the briefing was to notify Congress of the department's intent to refer information collected to the Senate Select Committee on Ethics (search) for review

Friday, July 23, 2004
So my senator is up for reelection this fall. No, not that pile of crap Lieberman, who I will gladly vote against for the rest of my life. Chri Dodd. WHo my brother will be working for soon (hopefully).

Anyways, Dodd is a shoe in. But its always fun to see the schmuck they get to put up against him, so we can mock and ridicule. That mans name is Jack Orchulli.

Read his bio. Laughable doesnt even begin to describe it. How long hs he even lived in the state?

IT gets worse. Look at this "attack"
Jack Orchulli has been working in the real world since he was twelve: delivering on a deadline, leading diverse groups of people, and being fiscally responsible. Can you guess how many years Chris Dodd has spent in the real world…aka: not receiving a taxpayer-funded paycheck?

Gosh. Poor Dodd has beeen working in goevernmet for soooo long. Being a civil servant. Thats awful.

I don't mean to bust on the guy too much, since he will be annihilated and he knows it. But please. The best they could do was some fashion designer?

Thursday, July 22, 2004
Regarding the Sandy Berger non issue leaked to try and take attention away from the 9/11 report.

This from MSNBC:

“Meanwhile, Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, said Wednesday that his committee would also investigate Berger.
At best, we’re looking at tremendously irresponsible handling of highly classified information — some of which, I understand, has not yet been located,” Davis said. “At worst, his actions suggest an intentional effort to keep critical information away from the commission and the American public.”

At best, Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va Is a goddamned lying sack of shit. It is common knowledge that what Sandy Berger is accused of taking was copies of documents.

But hey, making it into a "clintons cronies are hiding their incompetence" bullshit story is an effective way of distracting from the non bullshit 9/11 report.

So kudos Mr. Davis. Whats it like to be a souless piece of garbage?

Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Bush's base.

It literally sounds like a cult. If the author interjects with a fact, he is laughed at and ridiculed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Howard Stern has his Bulletin Board up on his website. He's been talking about it a lot, and posting on it a lot as well, along with everyone else on the show, and the wack packers.
Since they were completly overloaded with traffic they've shut down new registration for now, but I was one of the lucky ones to sign up early on. So I get the honor of being able to tell Chaunce and High pitched Erik that they should go F themselves in person.
And the avatars are freaking hilarious.
And so are some of the peoples screennames. "Steak for two for ONE!" and "KC's gerbil tube" are funny.
Resltless Restless.

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