Wednesday, November 26, 2003
The Heritage foundation:
At home, the Bush Administration is committed to preserving the tax cuts and stimulating the economy without massive federal spending and federal regulation.

Yesterdays wall street journal, that’s right, the WALL STREET JOURNAL:
The alarming figure is domestic discretionary spending, or the kind that Congress has to approve each year. (Entitlements are automatic and based on a formula.) Non-military discretionary spending rose last year by 8.5%--more than double the 4% caps Mr. Bush vowed to enforce and about quadruple the rate of inflation. While some of this money went to homeland security, a lot also went to such domestic boondoggles as the farm bill, transportation projects and education.
We realize that spending is what Congress does for a living. But that's all the more reason why a President has to be willing to impose restraint on the Members. President Bush makes a stab at this every year with his own budget proposal in February, this year requesting a 3.7% spending increase overall. But by the time the actual spending bills come rolling over to the White House, Mr. Bush seems willing to sign just about anything.
The President has refused to veto a single spending request in three years. Several of the appropriations bills he has already signed this year came in above his requests, and the omnibus (kitchen-sink) bill is now being eyed by many politicians as a convenient way to push through more pet projects. Politicians quickly figure out when a President isn't serious about his own spending limits.

There are certain think tanks, like the libertarian CATO institute, I respect. I disagree with them, but they are ideologically consistent. But to have one say that Bush is committed to not having massive spending flies in the face of all reality and is such blatant shilling for Bush.

Oh and the republican led Judiciary committee is commiting crimes by breaking into the democrats computers and stealing memo’s, than are then leaked to Sean hannity.

Thats right, the JUDICIARY commiteee is commiting crimes, while not doing thigns like, oh...
Appointing judges to uphold the laws of the United States.

Besides the outrage. Actually strike that. I’m not outraged. I read it and just thought “sounds about right”. The Administration stole the election, proudly hires convicted felons and admitted criminals, outs undercover operatives, lies to us to get into a war, passes the patriot act, etc…

AND meanwhile the Democrats sit there and take it like a bunch of pussies. How can anyone support this administration? I’ve yet to hear anyone make a case for it, without going freeper like nutso.

Monday, November 24, 2003
Bush needed 5 personal chefs on his trip to see the Queen.

And Bushs entourage did thousands of dollars worth of damage as well.

Now imagine the response if this was Clinton. Akin to the 1,000 dollar haircut on airforce one story perhaps...

As usual the silence is deafening.

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