Friday, October 15, 2004
Oh Bill O'Reilly, you had me at Falafel.....

Thursday, October 14, 2004
From th AP article I jsut linked to:

Mrs. Cheney, introducing her husband in a post-debate appearance Wednesday night in Coraopolis, Pa., also avoided a specific reference to her daughter's sexuality when she made clear she thought Kerry had crossed a line into family privacy.

Family Privacy? Cheney has talked freuently about her gay daughter. She is also Cheneys Director of Vice Presidential Operations. She worked for Coors as a public liason to the Lesbian community. She is a openly gay public figure.

Family privacy my ass. They are trying to make this an "issue" by creating false indignation. Thats family values for ya.

Cheap and tawdry is right.

IT's official. If you talk openly about Lynne Cheneys gay daughter in a tone of respect and admiration, you are being "cheap and tawdry".

She doesnt want to hear about her fag daughter! Its emabrassing enough at dinner parties!

OF course we all know why shes so pissed. Becuse the homophobic bigot is their base. They need that vote.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Bill O'Lielly, pervert.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004
This is worth sitting through the Salon ad. Senator Jim Bunning Of Oklahoma is running for re-election, and suffering from senile dementia. Of course instead of bowing out of the race, the Republican Party is trying to hide it at all costs.

After all, this is the party that saw no problem in having an incoherent 99 year old senator wander the halls completly senile.

Sox in 6

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