Friday, June 11, 2004
This guy likes Lindsay Lohan more than I do.

I’m not sure whats better. His fan art, his "journal" (quite a frightening read) or his Ebay auction items (are those MINT galactic trading cards!).

MY favorite parts are his journal. hers just a sample.

Linds and I both love being performers.

Thanks for reading, check back, and keep your love of Lindsay in your heart.

And my favorite:
Last night some people who are still unidentified posted pictures across half of my college campus that were very embarrassing in that context. Were they bad pictures? Er, no, not really. Though quite easily misunderstood. If it was just that, perhaps maybe I wouldn't be quite so distressed. However, then there were harrassing phone calls, and last night someone poured laundry detergent underneath my room door. Pranks are one thing. This is getting out of hand. I'm hoping it's calmed down. I might go to the police if it continues and gets worse. Eh, what more can I do?

Man I need to know the rest of that story.

If you guys need me, I'll be in the forum, talking about Linds!

The archives rule. Kate Beckinsale has stretch marks all over her tater tots. I would totally not sleep with her now.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
I was just thinking about my recent trip to Washington, where I was lucky enough to have a private tour of the capital. An amazing building layered in history. WE walked through the rotunda, the old SCOTUS chambers, the old House chambers, all the while learning stories (always get the privcate tour through your congressmans office, its much better). One was the famous one about Washingtons "tomb" and Lincolns Catafalque. They had a tomb built especially for Washington at the center of the capital (under the "Crypt" with the star that represents the center of Washington, where all 4 districts come together). Since Washington was never buried there it is where they keep the catafalque. It is rarely used. Only for heads of state and Supreme Court Justivces, with a few exceptions. Just a hastily constructed pieces of Pine.

Which Is why I am, well not "Excited" since it's a sad occasion, but in a strage way looking forward to Friday simply because this is the first time in a generation we've had a full fledged state funeral,with the lying in state in the rotunda, the procession with the riderless horse, all the tradition. It's important that people get to see it happen. IT hasn't really happened since Johnson. And that was 73.

If anyone gets time, you should visit the architect of the capital
It is amazing.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004
This kills me
OK, I’m officially sick of it.

Clinton had a higher approval rating when he left office. Gallup poll from 2003 ranks Reagan 5th when asked who they greatest presidents were. Clinton was third (behind Lincoln and Kennedy)

Reagan signed into law the largest tax increase in modern history in 1982. Bigger than Clintons. The economic recovery that happened was after the tax increases were in effect. His supply side BS did nothing but damage.

Welfare grew under Reagan.

Government grew under Reagan.

The deficit grew under Reagan.

He was a factor in ending the soviet union to be sure. He did not single handedly bring them down.

Yet I listen to all these sycophants talk about Reagan’s ideals of smaller government, cutting welfare, lower taxes, and they act like Reagan’s rhetoric is the same as reality. Grieve the man. Praise him. But that doesn’t give you licence to make shit up.

Monday, June 07, 2004
Now would be a good time to start compiling a list of the people who, after deliberatly distorting what happened at the wellstone memorial, then expressed their public moral outrage at co-opting a memorial for partisan political gain.

I have a feeling this list will come in handy.
Say what you will about Reagans policies and how its affected our country, but think about this:

Can you imagine Reagan giving a speech and saying:
"the Senate is more interested in special interests in Washington and not interested in the security of the American people."

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