Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Ari Fliescher caught unawares and actually speaks the truth:
Reporter: Does the president have in mind a specific solution for the economy?
Fleishcer: No, the president does not

And heres another gem of obsfucation. Keep in mind the man in question, Harvey John McGeorge, was given the job at the recommendation of the Bush State Department.
Q: Ari, The Washington Post reports that Harvey John McGeorge of Woodbridge, Virginia, is one of the Americans on the United Nations inspection team in Iraq, despite what the Post reports -- and this is a quote -- "he played a leadership role in sado-masochist sex clubs like the Leather Leadership Conference, where he teaches courses on sex slaves and techniques including knives, ropes and choking devices." And my question is, does the President believe it is good for the United States to be represented by this sado-masochist?

MR. FLEISCHER: Lester, I think any questions about the composition of the inspection team need to be addressed to the United Nations --

Q I just want to know, how does the President feel. You obviously, and he read The Washington Post, you know about this. How does he feel? Does he think it's a good idea for America to be represented on this inspection team by this man?

MR. FLEISCHER: The President feels as I indicated, that the question of the selection of the inspectors is something that needs to be addressed to the United Nations.

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