Thursday, November 13, 2003
damn. I overwrote my other post about Frist. Blogging at work is hard....
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Fre@king Courant is so conservative. First they dump their only moderate columnist to the style section, now they publish an op ed article about the partial birth ban full of lies, I send them a letter rebutting it, and the only letter they print is from a pro-lifer talking about how great it is, which forwards even more lies.

heres my ignored letter:
In response to your November 12th Op Ed entitled “Pro-Choice Bias Clear In Ab0rtion Coverage” it seems the only bias present was by the author.

Mr. Goodburn Makes quite an extraordinary and incendiary claim. That the “press” is pro-choice and consciously and willingly biases it’s reporting on the subject to “help” keep “all” abortion procedures legal.

Unfortunately the only “evidence” he cites to support such an outrageous claim is pure fantasy.

Mr. Goodburn seems to indicate that the term partial birth ab0rtion is and always has been the correct name for the procedure and it was the devious pro-choice press who decided to start calling it by a vague term to somehow “help” the pro-choice side.

There is no medical procedure called “partial birth ab0rtion”. There never has been. Unlike what Mr. Goodburn claims, it was the Pro-life side who invented the term “partial birth ab0rtion” to describe, in terms more sympathetic to their cause, the already existing medical procedure of Dilation and Extraction.

If you don’t believe me read the bill that was signed by Bush. Even it acknowledges that there is no procedure called “partial birth ab0rtion”. The bill then lays out their own definition of the procedure that is sufficiently vague so as to apply to other safe and common ab0rtion procedures. This of course was their intent.

This vast left wing conspiracy on the part of the press only exists in the mind of Mr. Goodburn and people of his ilk. I don’t know of any journalistic “rule” regarding vague verbiage that Mr. Goodburn speaks of, but I do know that there is one on reporting the truth. And with that, the press has so far done its job.


Edward Hill

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